Late post...
This used to be my playground.
Spending a week at the place I call home brought back a lot
of memories. I seldom come home, you see, and even though I have lived here for
most of my life, coming back makes me long for the old days, when the fog came
in in the afternoon and these times were spent playing on the street with long
forgotten childhood friends.
I used to walk up and down Session Road knowing that the day
eventually turned into night – and as the temperature lowers, I walked faster,
keeping my heart rate up and myself warm.
It is 1:14 in the morning, the 27th day of the
first month of 2013. Years ago, I would be sitting at my favourite internet
shop, complaining about my day, passing time until I had to go home since I had
work the next night. There, in the deadly web they call the internet, I have
met people, learned new things, brought my carnality to life, and have given my
heart the opportunity to get itself broken – several times.
After this stage, I became a social butterfly. I had the
world eating through my hand. Everyone knows my name. I was a star. It would
take me an entire hour just to go from point A to point B, just because I had a
short conversation with the people I meet along the street. Yes, everyone knew
who I was, and it made me very, very happy.
However, as time and so called friends came and went, I
realized that I need to be somewhere else. Maybe it was the fact that I was
getting older and I never really became successful in anything. I was a jack of
all trades. I did everything but I mastered nothing, and eventually I was bored
with my life. I wanted out.
One thing remained certain, though, my best friends who
remained to know who I really was and never really judged me. They accepted me for who I am, and
I cherished every moment with them. It did not really matter if we saw each other after a few
weeks, a few months, or even years. It was like, as my dear
sister-from-another-mother Di Anne said, pushing the play button after pressing
Now, as I go back to reality after this very welcome
“sabbatical”, I would take the new memories and store them once again inside
the treasure chest I call life. I would definitely be back, and when I do, I
will be pressing on the play button once again.
This city used to be my playground. This city saw me at the
best and worst times of my life. This city showed me who I am and molded me to
be who I will be in the next years of my life.
Goodbye for now, Baguio. Til we meet again.